10 Simple Ways to Get Qualify Into Any Security Service

What do you know about security service?

When we say security, is freedom form or resilience against potential harm cause by other.

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Have you ever dream of becoming one of the Security Services personnel we have in Ghana? ; Ghana Police Service, Armed Forces, Migration, Prisons, Custom or Fire Service.

Well if that is your dream job and you don’t know the simple ways to make your dream come true, worry no more because am coming to show you 10 simple ways to get it

1. You Must Be A Ghanaian Not Less Than 18 Years

Before you can join any of the security services we have in Ghana, you must be a Ghanaian by birth and also not less than 18 year.

2. You must be physically fit and must be a good character

One must have the ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance, strength and must be management of diseases.

Good character is being honesty, courage, loyalty, integrity and other virtues to promote good behavior. When you take the Ghana Police for instance, their motto is “Service with Integrity”, so applicants must take note of it.

3. Without Any Criminal Record

Criminal record is a person who has been convicted of a crime.  You must take note of it.

Before you can apply for security services in Ghana, make sure you don’t have any criminal records like rape, theft, fraud, murder and so on.

You can apply if you don’t have any criminal records.

               4. Education Background

What’s your education background, are you a WASSCE, SSSCE, diploma,  HND, good first degree holder, any professional certificate, GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels with five (5) credits including English Language and Mathematics, ICT technician with professional certificate in software development, you’re eligible to apply.

For instance, applicant with WASSCE / SSSCE, you must have four (4) credits including English language and Mathematics.

5. Height

Before you can join any of the security services, your height should play a major role in it. All of security services have a height limit for both Male and Female.

5 feet 8 inches (173cm) for Male and 4 inches (163cm) for female. Below of the above mentioned, you aren’t eligible to apply for it, so take note.

6. Applicants with Any Form Of Disabilities Should Not Apply

When we say someone is a disable person, it means any condition of the body or mind that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities and interact with the people around them.

Disability in a form of vision, movement, hearing, communicating and so on. But they say, disability is not in ability but in Security Service am sorry you can’t apply.

7. Must Be Able To Speak English Fluently

Are you good in speaking English,   what about speaking it fluently. If you’re having a problem in speaking English fluently, please polish yourself before you apply for any security services.

Just because, you’ll meet different people through your career who doesn’t speak your local language and guess what will happen if you can’t communicate with them properly.

Fluency in language means, speaking easily and without having to stop and pause a lot; example, you’ll be communicating with a foreigner in English and you’ll be doing erm erm in a every sentence, is a disgrace to you so please polish your English speaking.

8. You Must Have Active Email

Email means, messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via network.

Thus world has turned into a technology way in which lot of communication takes place through online messages. You must have an active email in which you do remember your password, user name and also checking and sending messages. If you don’t know how to use email, either sending or receiving from a social or private, then you have to start learning before is too late.

9. You Must Be Ready To Undergo Basic Training

You should bare it in mind that, before you’ll be able to join any security services, you must be ready to go for training to make sure you’re fully fit for job.

Being a security personnel, you must be fit as fiddle, strong and energetic, no dulling, timid in Security Service because is a risky job.

10. If you are a graduate applicant, you must have completed National Service

Graduate like degree holder, HND, diploma, must completed their National Service before you can apply for any security services In Ghana. National service is a compulsory or voluntary government service.

Which means you must serve your country if you’re a graduate. How can you serve your job if you haven’t served your country, that can’t be possible?

These are the 10 simple ways to qualify for security service in Ghana

Go by it and come and thank me later.

(Disclaimer: this not any security experts ideas but for guidance to understand the eligibilities)