Justin Bieber Has Revealed He is suffering from Facial Paralysis

Justin Bieber Has Revealed He is suffering from Facial Paralysis

Justin Bieber Has Revealed He is suffering from Facial Paralysis

The award-winning singer Justin Bieber has revealed that he is suffering from facial paralysis. The singer posted on his IG page that he was diagnosed with a such syndrome which is affecting his facial act and even avoiding him from blinking his eye and can’t smile well.

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The 28-year-old young man posted a video as we earlier mentioned that the condition is a result of a diagnosis with Ramsey Hunt syndrome. The effect of this sickness has affected his music tour and he was pleading for disappointing his supporters and the organizers.

“As you can see, I can’t blink my eye or smile on the right side of my mouth. My right facial side isn’t working properly and I need some rest”. He tried blinking his eye and smiling to show how things are really tough for him at the moment. Justin Bieber is one of the musicians people love to attend his show and as a result of this, he needs to let his fans know.

From the video posted you can see that he was finding it difficult to tell the virus infection and how long it may take him to get back to normal. He currently has about a 240million followers on his fan page and announced for them to be aware of his challenge.

He indicated that he is doing facial exercises to get his face back to normal. He said to the fans to understand for him to get back to normal and return on stage. He was due to have a show in Washington DC and Toronto this week as planned but due to his health condition, he can’t make it. Let’s all wish him well.

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