10 Natural Ways of Growing Your Hair Faster Without Applying Oil

10 Natural Ways of Growing Your Hair Faster Without Applying Oil

 What kind of compliments do you say to people with well-plated natural hair?

Don’t you wish to have the same hair as them?

It is every woman’s dream to get natural hair that grows fast.  The excitement behind having natural growing hair is overwhelming.  Women cherish their hair more than anything because their hair makes them look splendid and flamboyant. In fact, they attract men with their hair when they come out from the house or saloon. Those with natural hair which is well packaged or plated look very attractive. Hence, for them to have fast-growing natural hair they need to ensure they take in the right foods like beans, meat, whole grains), frequently trim their hair, skip daily shampoo, add vitamins to their diet in the morning.

Check out these 10 easiest and faster ways of growing your hair naturally without applying oil.

  1. Get Frequent Trim

It is quite strange, but if you want to have natural hair that grows faster than you think, then try trimming your hair simultaneously. “While haircuts don’t make your hair grow any faster, they get rid of split ends that break your hair.” According to the hairstylist. “Eliminating the breakage gives the appearance that your hair is growing faster.”

Don’t just leave your hair and expect it to grow quickly without doing anything about it. Visit a saloon and trim your hair if you want to get your hair to grow fast naturally.

2. Eat The Right Foods

Having long healthy hair doesn’t just depend on the kind of product you put in your hair, it also depends on what you put into your body.

“To promote hair growth, you need to ‘feed’ the hair from the inside,” explains Francesca Fusco, M.D a dermatologist.

Now, the question is what food makes hair grow quicker? Those high in protein, the building blocks of hair, including meats and other sources. “Try increasing your protein intake with foods like fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains,” – Francesca Fusco

You can’t sit aloof and expect your hair to grow faster and stronger, try to eat food enriched with proteins and vitamins. The outcome is massive. Eat the right food if you want to get your hair to grow faster than you think.

3. Hydrate and condition your hair regularly

One of the best ways to grow your hair faster is to hydrate. Moisturizing your hair makes it look great and grow quicker.  It prevents damage while detangling strands, according to Beautician. Though it may take some time for one hair to grow, if you are able to moisturize and condition it frequently, you will be good to go, your hair will easily grow faster. Treat your hair like you do to your skin, ensure you hydrate it and condition it well.

4. Add Vitamin to Your Morning Routine

What kind of diet do you take during the a.m.?

Getting long growing hair faster is not on a silver platter, it requires consistency and much effort. I mean it is not a one-day job. You need to have a routine and work on it regularly.  Having a routine without following is a waste of time.  You have to stick to it by adding vitamins to your diet. If your diet isn’t supplying you with enough nutrition, supplements will make a world difference.  Dr. Fusco suggests “Look for a multivitamin that’s formulated and labeled for hair, skin, and nails,”

Those contain important vitamins like biotin and C and B that support hair health. You may get better skin in the process as Bonus.

5. Be Cautious When Brushing Wet Hair


Getting fast-growing hair comes with a task. One needs to be careful when brushing his/her hair.  You don’t have to be in a hurry, take time and brush your hair neatly. Sometimes our hair tends to be too thick to the extent that brushing it becomes difficult. Hence, we moisturize the hair to be able to comb or brush it well. However, if care is not taken, one can lose several hairs. That is why it’s very imperative to be cautious when brushing wet hair. It is better to take your time and brush your hair to rush and lose your hair.

6. Stop Excessive Heat Styling

According to paves,” Stop over-styling your hair.” Sometimes because women want to look splendid, they tend to style their hair to look attractive. However, some women overdo it.   If you must use heat, you have to reduce the temperature and always use a heat protectant- otherwise, you risk damaging your hair, leading to breakage and frizz.

7. Stop Doing Trendy “Cleanses”

Diet companies may try to convince you that a “cleanses” will turn your whole life around, but Duenas strongly advises against them. “Doing cleanse is terrible for your hair because you’re depriving your body of nutrients, he warns. “After doing cleanse even for a week, you will notice slower hair growth and lackluster locks.” Be careful of these trendy things that get your hair growing faster.

  1. Pay Attention to Your Skin

It is easy to see shiny hair initially and assume a hair product is working for you, but it is recommended to take a closer look at the scalp. “What the formula is doing for your skin is generally what it’s doing to your hair,” Dean says.

“Does it make your skin feel dry, stripped, heavy, waxy, sticky, or greasy?”  Or does it feel soft, hydrated, silky, and supple?  Treat your hair the way you would treat your skin – after all, it’s another part of you! If your hair follicles are clogged and congested, there’s no way it can grow as effectively.

Paying attention to your skin will aid your hair to grow faster.

9. Reduce the Application Of Hair Products

Overdoing things is bad. Yes, but we sometimes look down upon it and go-ahead to do things anyhow. If you do things anyhow, you will surely get results. Don’t apply excessive oil on your hair in the name of getting shiny hair. If you continuously do that, you are preventing yourself from having strong, natural, and fast-growing hair. If you apply more than needed pomade in your hair, it gives you problems in the future.

10. Seek For Expert Advice

Sometimes when you try and still don’t get the results, seek help. You must learn to seek help from people who have much knowledge about it. You can visit any dermatologist or any person who has been able to apply it and has gotten the needed results. However, some people’s hair grows faster naturally, such people are born with but you can still ask help from them as to how they were able to maintain it.

Follow these guides to get your hair growing faster than Usain Bolt.

Do you know any other way of growing your hair faster? Leave your contribution and questions in the comments box.


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